Monday 11 January 2010

waterfall and whirlpool software development models

The waterfall model has been around for years and is still popular today. It consists of a number a phases, only moving on to the next phase once the previous one has been completed. The phases include requirement analysis, system design, implementation, testing, development of system and maintenance. The advantages of waterfall model are that it can be managed with control. Each stage of development can have a set deadline and time management can come into effect. There is a set structure in a specific order that do not overlap each other. This gives order and consistency to a project. However it is difficult to go back and make changes. 

 In comparison to the waterfall model the whirlpool model gives more flexibility and allows for changes to take place. It identifies problems early on before they become too expensive and threatening. This gives a more constant structure. The advantage of this model is that it allows you to work on more than one section at a time. This allows you to see how coding effects the design and verse visa. This model repeats its process giving you the opportunity to make ongoing improvements and modifications.

The whirlpool is a better system for web design as it allows me to go back to the design and make changes even after testing. It allows for improvements and adjustments to be made with flexibility whereas the waterfall model as a strict structure without being able to go back to a phase. 

Wednesday 18 November 2009

My first blog! I'm still trying to get to grips with things!

These are my wire frame ideas: